Thursday, December 3, 2009

Good ideas? - send them to me!

I'm feeling bad for blogging so little lately. Especially when I see comments telling me that there are actually people out there who would like me to blog more often.

Basically, there are two problems. The first one is that I need to be "in the mood" to blog. Blogging about sex is great when I feel like it, but dreadful when I don't. And lately I've just haven't felt like it too often. The other problem is that I often feel that my sex life is too boring. After all my posts about being naked in public, having hard-on in public showers and so on, I can't find the energy to write a post about the "everyday sex". For instance: the last time I had sex was two days ago. I went out to a gay bar, met a cute guy, we talked and had beers and ended up in his apartment. He was sexy, the sex was hot and I had a lot of fun, but I don't know how to put it into a blog post. Also, how could I write a hot blog post about jerking off on webcam...

So - any good ideas on what I should blog about would be helpful. Also: if you have good stories that I could post (or just link to) that would be great as well.

(I know that I could also start writing pure fiction - I just got an idea of describing a perfect holiday from my point of view. Maybe I'll do that - but will you read it?)


Rune said...

Det er synd at du føler det sånn for tida. Det har vært veldig spennende å følge med på bloggen din - og jeg må vel innrømme at jeg har drømt litt om å treffe deg en dag også... I det minste se deg på ei nakenstrand...

Jeg har mange av de samme erfaringene som du har, og nå i sommer var jeg på ferie i Europa og bestemte meg for å teste ut litt forskjellige ungdomsherberger i Jo Kristian-stil. Altså: kle meg naken som den naturligste sak av verden når jeg skulle legge meg, og sørge for at dyna gled av meg i løpet av natta.

De første nettene sov jeg jo nesten ikke, så uvant var det å ligge naken i et rom med helt ukjente folk. Men etterhvert vente jeg meg såpass til det at jeg fikk sove - men våknet uansett med en dundrende stå. Folk reagerte veldig ulikt - et par steder fikk jeg beskjed om å kle på meg av litt bistre kvinnfolk, men de fleste lot som ingenting. På fem av stedene var det gutter som stirret relativt åpenlyst. Men bare ett sted var det en annen som fulgte mitt eksempel og sov naken han også. Og et annet sted var det en av de som stirret som jeg endte opp med å ha sex med i dusjen dagen etter...

Poeng: du inspirerer meg... Stå på med bloggingen din! Og ikke minst: fortsett å leve slik du lyster. Det er ikke bare du som har glede av det!

Og som sagt: håper jeg ser deg naken i en dusj, på ei strand eller i en skog neste sommer...

Anonymous said...

Of course, we'll read it. As for me, I don't think every post has to be about some great sex adventure - although that's probably been one reason your blog has become popular. However, I'd love to hear the everyday things too. I don't just mean the 'everyday sex', but how life unfolds - its simple pleasure and sometimes, its frustrations, and disappointment. I know that it might seem like you're letting us down by not writing a hot 'His Story of Sex' entry, but who's going to complain.
It's a lot better than hearing nothing for weeks or months at a time.
So maybe you can designate some entries as just "Jo's Update for Saturday" etc..., and put the mundane stuff there.
Surely, during the months between August 30 and now when there were only a couple of entries, you must have been doing something that was fun, funny, or noteworthy for some reason - even if it had really nothing to do with sexuality.
I know what you mean about having to be in the mood to blog, especially about sexual topics. Actually, that is one thing that differentiates between blog writers and blog readers. It's really about the writing and how we are inspired to tell a story or speak our minds on some topic or issue, or the drive to inform ourselves and others. In reality, most blogs don't last very long - much less than a year. Blog writers are actually a fairly rare breed - even to just keep one going.

It's not all that easy to write or to do so on a consistent basis - so don't be too hard on yourself. I get around that writer's block and those gaps in inspiration by posting naked photos -- admittedly a cheap way to instantly produce as 'blog entry'. I think you are too be applauded for never having resorted to keeping up your blog with photo entries, or populating it with abundantly available porn. [Of course, I'm trying to keep up 7 or 8 blogs at once so I can make up that excuse - I guess.]

I do sometimes re-post other people's stories. At times, I have had volunteer contributors to one or more of my blogs. I tend to add representative photos to them so 'spice up' the already provocative story. I also follow discussions on various gay forums so that often provides me with some issue that I find I can get worked up enough to write about. I often include the portion of the discussion from the other participants that has generated my desire to speak up.

(continued in next comment)

Anonymous said...

(continued from above)

One thing that helps me is to do cross-posting - putting the same blog entry on several locations. It helps inspire me a bit to have a lot of people read it (at least, my imagining that they do - even if I don't actually know that for a fact or even if there are no comments).

I belong to quite a few online gay groups and sites and so a 'good' entry gets posted in a variety of places.

It will help you get re-inspired to take some of your older entries from previous years, and post them to places such as Facebook, JustUsBoys, GayWatch, Xtube (yes, each member has a blog space),, QueerClique, etc. Often you can make use of RSS feeds to put the content from Blogger directly into your profile/blogs on other sites.

I know you're no longer a member, but Facebook has had to change the way it administers its policy on sexual content. Nude photos are not allowed - normally in public, but there is a lot that can be done with text and cleverly cutting photos.)

You might take a look at - it's the social network for - one of the largest commercial gay porn blogs. Personal blogs entries can also be shared on the QueerClique Magazine (when permission is granted by the admin at the time you create the blog entry).
By the way, it is almost universal to be able to simply copy and paste. And for most sites, you can also copy the HTML code (switch from Compose to HTML mode in Blogger) and paste the HTML into blog entry editor on another site (You need to open the HTML code window first). That way you don't have to do any re-typing, the original formatting and even photos are retained. You are left simply with the job of tailoring the content to a different audience - in some cases. I guess I am personally intrigued by the 'technical' aspects of the Internet use and blogging (information sharing) so these capabilities also inspire me, too. Reaching a bigger audience can be a boost to a writer's creativity or enthusiasm.

Finally, I think the initial drive that started you writing this blog may not be the same one that urges you to do so now. You are growing up and likely changing your perspective on things - like your own self-identity, your own confidence ad experience with sex, the nature of the relationships you want or are involved in, and the pattern of your responsibilities, so it's only natural to change. Look what happened to James. It seems to have been somewhat a passing phase for him to be a regular blogger. He's moved on to something else - more likely someone and something else take up most of his time. The same might happen to you -- to some degree. I think we all grow and evolve as writers - perhaps in tandem to the way we do so as human beings.

Of course, we'd all hate to see you give up blogging.

Sounds like a long fatherly lecture... Answering your request inspired me to respond - which I find may turn into a separate blog entry I might find useful elsewhere. You can see how I am evolving -- mainly, just aging now (ha ha).


Anonymous said...

i like to read u fiction storys too...
of course do that ;)